Dr. Alan Peaceman began his practice in High-Risk Obstetrics (also known as Maternal-Fetal Medicine, or MFM) in 1989 and has practiced since at the Prentice Women’s Hospital of Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. During that time, he delivered over 3,000 babies, mostly from women with high-risk conditions. His thorough and compassionate care has helped women not only understand what should be done, but also the nature of their condition and why different treatments are being recommended. Over the years, he has earned the trust of thousands of women, and that of referring physicians.
Dr. Peaceman has been on the faculty of Northwestern University Medical School and received many awards for teaching medical students, residents, and fellows. He has served as Chief of Maternal-Fetal Medicine for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and as Chief of Obstetrics for Prentice Women’s Hospital, one of the busiest maternity centers in the United States.
He has been invited to lecture in foreign countries and is frequently quoted in the media. He is nationally recognized as a leader in his field, with multiple NIH grants and over 200 publications and chapters in medical literature.
Dr. Peaceman’s clinical practice has focused mainly on counseling and caring for women with high-risk obstetric conditions. He has established a reputation for special expertise in pregnancy hypertension, clotting disorders, prior stillbirth, and multiple gestation. He is often sought after by patients with high-risk pregnancy issues because of his reputation and through referrals from former patients. He routinely spends extended sessions with patients and their families at a first visit explaining their situation, the risks, and how best to manage them to improve the chances of a good outcome. This counseling is important for the patient to understand her condition and lead to better compliance with the approach to care, realistic expectations, and reassurance when things are going well.
Education & Training
Harvard University
B.A., Biochemistry
Baylor College of Medicine
Medical College of Virginia
Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Texas
Health Science Center at Houston
Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Board Certification
Diplomat, American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Areas of Expertise